Light Up Ahead – February Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
Under normal conditions, the time when you would want to send out an update on all of the good things coming our way would be around New Year’s Day. But given all of the bad news around at that time, it didn’t feel quite right. But now, as we leave January and February behind us, it feels right to look at the good things coming our way in 2021.
The first thing to look at is the world outside the sanctuary. The obvious thing looking up for us is the weather. Warmer days and more daylight open back up a number of animal enrichment options that have been closed off for a while. The hiking trails both here and around the area are freeing up of the snow and ice that has made them difficult, if not sometimes impossible, to use. And the dogs themselves are much more likely to head to for adventure in the spring air than they are in the winter deep freeze. But the benefits aren’t just for the dogs. We’ve seen a few cats venturing out for more time on their catios on the last few above-freezing days. And we know that Gator especially is ready to get back out to Serenity play yard once it’s free of ice and snow.

Spring weather also means spring projects. With our Facilities Caretaker, Tom, well established here, we’re looking at some exciting beautification projects around the grounds. If you’re good with plants, or even just handy with a shovel or a lawn mower, we always appreciate the help. Keep an eye out for word that we’re assembling our grounds keeping team for the year. Also, if you know of any community service groups who might want to spend a day working on outdoor projects here, just have them email me at [email protected].

But the biggest thing we’re looking forward to here at the sanctuary is some progress back towards pre-pandemic volunteer operations. It will be a long and slow process, but with infection rates going down, and many of our staff and volunteers starting to get vaccinated, we’re beginning to make plans to increase volunteer involvement in the coming months. Stay tuned!

In addition to the good news headed our way from the outside world, we’ve got some exciting efforts ahead of us inside the organization this year. Somehow, in a flash, we’re suddenly looking at 2022 right around the corner. And that means, the next stage of sanctuary construction is coming fast. The Our Companions management will be deep in planning mode this year as we figure what changes will be needed as we look to add another dog cottage, another cat cottage, and take a leap into the world of small mammals. Another busy year ahead! Just like every year before!
And of Course…Adoptions!!
February was a good month for adoption action. On the dog side, our special lady Ragan went to her forever home, and so did long time resident couch puppy, Tucker. Entering our happy little family was our newest canine love bug, Teddy. In cats, the kitten duo of Olive and Felix went home, as did our spicy feline friend, Tabasco. Landing in the cat world this month is the undeniably handsome Patches.
Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.