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Adoption Update: Gemstone Kittens

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Found as a stray cat outside, Opal was picked up by animal control and was very friendly and sweet. It was quite obvious that Opal was also pregnant and due very soon. They estimated that she was carrying about five fetuses and would give birth in about a week or so. The first couple months of a kitten’s life is so crucial to how socialized they’ll be for the rest of their life. With a very pregnant mama and five kittens that need lots of attention and care, the animal control officer reached out to Our Companions for help in ensuring all of these cats would be given the love and support they needed to have a good life.

With Opal being due at any moment in the next week, there wasn’t much time for Opal to settle into the Sanctuary before giving birth. The Cat Team worked hard to ensure Opal had all the food, blankets, hiding spaces, and more to feel safe and secure when she eventually would give birth. On March 20th, 2021, two year old Opal gave birth to not just five kittens, but six little furballs of cuteness! Having such a gorgeous gemstone name, Opal’s six kittens were all named after gemstones- Amethyst, Ametrine, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz. Emerald was the only boy in the litter!

Opal was an amazing mother to each of her kittens as they continued to grow and learn more about the world. Our staff and volunteers spent lots of time each day helping them become more socialized to different people, sounds, touching/handling, foods, and much more! As they were gradually approaching 10 weeks, the search for their furever home and family began! Just through word of mouth, we were overloaded with amazing applicants. With six kittens, each kitten would be paired together to three homes if each applicant wanted just the two kittens. Pairing kittens together in homes is very vital to their mental wellbeing as they continue to grow and flourish amongst their littermates! We eventually found three wonderful families to adopt our gorgeous gemstones!

Emerald and Sapphire were adopted together and renamed Louie and Maisie. Louie and Maisie certainly kept their family busy with their kitten antics! During one of our check-ins they tell us-  ”Louie is so much bigger than Maisie.  We call her our little short stack.  We are very happy with them. They def are right at home.” Their last update they sent us this message, “Both are doing great! It’s been fun to see their personalities come out and change. Still very much kittens, but growing up! Louie is definitely a wild one, but Maisie is a little devil, too! LOL. They are great cats. They do look a lot alike, but Louie is much bigger than Maisie, and she has the double paws in front. We are very happy to have them and grateful to OC for everything.”

Amethyst and Topaz were adopted together and renamed Grace and Reilly! On their second day, their family let us know, “They have assimilated really well and are the light in our lives!” They kept us updated on vet visits and how healthy and happy the kittens were. They sent over some photos with this message- “Long play sessions required with their growing energy and curiosity! Did you know that sleeping is such hard work? They are so photogenic and make my meager photography skills look good!” Their last couple updates included sweet messages like, “I was just commenting to the girls that they seemed to have grown up a ton overnight.  We are having a blast with them.  They fill our home with such joy!” and “We are so grateful for them in our lives.  Beyond the beyond.  A special thanks to you, Opal and Our Companions.  Much love.”

Last, but certainly not least, Ametrine and Ruby were adopted together and renamed Chianti and Toscana. Their family eventually nicknamed the cute pair KeKe and Tuske for short! The family was impressed with how well they adjusted to their new life. They said, “They are my constant companions, at work and when we sleep at night. They have adjusted so well, it is just amazing. That tells me a lot about how well they were socialized at the shelter.” Chianti started sleeping on laps immediately, but being the more independent one, Toscana would find her own spot to nap. But their family said, that she “doesn’t complain when we scoop her up to cuddle!” They shared this update as well, “KeKe and TusKe are doing great. They are definitely part of our family, we look forward to seeing them every-day. I am still working from home, and they love spending the day hanging out with me on their condo. When Bob gets home, they rush to meet him. They still sleep with us most nights, but as they are 8ish pounds each, real estate space is tight. They race to get to their favorite spots, hoping to beat each other (it’s like they are calling dibs). ”

All of Opal’s kittens celebrated their one year birthday and their one year adoptiversary earlier this spring! Just with the updates and photos, it’s obvious all six of these cats are incredibly loved and cherished! Opal was also adopted to a beautiful home where she continues to rest, relax, and be pampered! We are so grateful to have helped these lovely cats on their journey of enjoying life with their people and their siblings!