Featured Pet: Shiloh
Shiloh was found by the side of the road when she was just a kitten. The couple knew they had to bring her home and she became their very first baby. As Shiloh settled in, the couple later decided to welcome another cat to their home. This male cat was very dominant in the home and would often chase Shiloh and liked to claim her comfy, safe spots. Shiloh wasn’t too keen on having another feline friend in the only home she’s ever known, but she tolerated him and life moved forward.

As time went on, the couple welcomed another addition to their family, a child. As the activity in the home increased, so did Shiloh’s stress levels. She never fully accepted this new human that was always a bit more loud or clumsy than what she was comfortable with. However, Shiloh adjusted to this new lifestyle in the home. Years later, another four-legged friend came along, this time it was a dog. Introducing the dog to the cats proved to be no easy feat. The dog would try to play with Shiloh and follow her around, in which Shiloh would respond by hissing and running away. Running away and hiding became an automatic fear response for Shiloh between cohabitating with the other cat, the child, and now the dog.

After 12 years of coping and adapting to the many changes in her home, Shiloh’s stress level was too much for her to take when another baby was welcomed to the family. The activity and stress in the home became too overwhelming for her and she started having potty accidents. Once this behavior began and they ruled out any medical reason, her family came to the conclusion that Shiloh was no longer happy in her current situation and contacted Our Companions for help. It was clear that this senior girl needed a quiet home where she could relax and not be constantly worrying about the things that stressed her out. We quickly recommended separating Shiloh from the other pets and children in a room all to herself. As soon as she had her own space, Shiloh’s potty accidents immediately stopped happening. However, living a life separated in the bathroom from the rest of her home and family, was not a happy life to live for Shiloh. Therefore, Shiloh entered our Rehoming Program and was eventually invited to our Sanctuary.

Once she arrived to our Sanctuary, we knew Shiloh needed some time to decompress and settle into her new environment. Now at 13 years old, Shiloh only knew one other home prior to her arrival. Her room was adorned with lots of comfortable hiding spots to feel safe. And to our surprise, Shiloh adjusted very well to her new space! She’s very happy that when her human friends visit her, that she has all the attention to herself! She loves being vocal and will happily greet you at the door with many meows saying “hello” and “pet me”! She will rub her cheeks on you and will even brush herself when you hold it out! She will hop on your lap to take a relaxing nap, knowing that she has you all to herself!

Shiloh is an absolutely beautiful cat, inside and out. She loves being your best friend and companion, whether that’s being doted on with pets, sitting by your side, or even chatting it up with you with lots of meows and purrs! Reading her story, it is clear Shiloh would appreciate a quiet home where she’ll be the queen of the castle! She does still get skittish with loud noises, but quickly recovers with her person by her side. Being a senior gal, she does eat some kidney care renal food mixed in with some regular food. She has had no potty accidents during her time with us, but does request a high-sided litter box since she tends to get elevator butt when she uses the bathroom! You do not want to miss out on this Calico cutie! If you think you’re Shiloh’s purrrfect match, please contact our Helpline at 860-242-9999 or email [email protected] for more information!