Home » Cats for Adoption » Penny
Penny 021125 (6)


Sanctuary Arrival Date

July 2024

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Background Story:

After only a few months old, Penny was adopted by a family that fell in love with her, as she was the “runt” of the litter. She had a health scare of vomiting and being lethargic so they brought her to the vet. There she was severely dehydrated and diagnosed with a rare electrolyte disorder preventing her from drinking water on her own. They placed an esophageal feeding tube to help aid her water intake. Heartbroken, the family felt that they weren’t able to continue with her high care needs, and decided to rehome her and she was welcomed to the Sanctuary.

Our amazing Cat Team was able to remove the feeding tube and administer Penny’s daily water intake in her food and orally using a syringe plunge. As Penny went from kittenhood to becoming an adult cat, we kept close observation on her health to ensure she had increased water as she grew to keep her hydrated and happy. Once she became a year old, Penny’s health was stable and we started our search for a purrfect pet match! A volunteer fell in love with Penny and worked from home, therefore she was able to give Penny her daily water throughout the day. Penny was then adopted in September of 2023.

Sadly, after about a year in the home, Penny’s mom unexpectedly passed away and we welcomed Penny back to our Sanctuary in July of 2024. Penny continues to thrive with her daily dose of water, needing no other special diet or medication. She does need to be administered water four times a day to ensure she stays hydrated, but has the cheapest medication we’ve ever dealt with- just water! Penny is happy to see her old friends again where she can steal laps and our hearts. She’s become very comfortable receiving her water intake since she’s been receiving it as a young kitten. She is one of the sweetest, bravest, and most gentle cats we’ve ever cared for and can’t wait to find her a home where can continue to be adored and bond to a family of her own!

Adoption Info:

Penny Lane, Penny Pencil Legs, Pensacola, sweet pea are some of the many cute nicknames Penny has received by those who cannot resist her adorable and easy-going personality. Sweet Penny is a 2.5-year-old short hair black cat with a very mysterious health condition that makes her less inclined to drink water on her own. However, mixing a specific amount of water into her food four times a day has helped maintain her water intake. Any additional water required to meet her daily intake can be given by an oral syringe, after which Penny will be expecting some serious brushing as a reward! Mystery condition aside, Penny is very playful and solo spring toys are her absolute favorite. She is very affectionate and gentle, loves cuddling, getting brushed, and can be picked up by people she trusts. Penny’s looking for a quiet, loving home, where she can thrive with a consistent routine that allows her medical condition to be monitored. Penny is very friendly and she wouldn’t mind the company of another cat to play with, but any additional pets might not be a good fit. If you are interested in learning more about amazing Penny, please contact Our Companions at 860-242-9999 or email [email protected]

All of the pets promoted by Our Companions Animal Rescue are located in CT. As such we wish to adopt animals into homes in the greater CT area. Pets are in various locations so we request that an appointment is made to meet with a specific pet we are advertising. Contact the person listed on the pet’s profile to find out more about our adoption process for a specific pet or e-mail [email protected] for general inquiries.