Happy Birthday – October Sanctuary Update
October has brought us some falling temperatures and lots of falling leaves. It has also brought us another birthday for the sanctuary. The sanctuary opened it’s doors, with just one building, in October of 2012 to a small handful of dogs and cats and just two employees, myself and Feline Medical and Behavior Manager, Karen. The growth of the sanctuary over the last six years, as with the growth of Our Companions in general, has been nothing short of miraculous. In early 2014, we built the first two dog cottages, and as most of you witnessed, we built two more dog cottages and the little piece of kitty heaven known as Jane’s Place last year. When the final stage of our current expansion completes in January 2019, we’ll have 15 full and part time employees and over 200 volunteers serving 15 dogs and around 20 to 30 cats. Our work over the last six years has been life changing and this pace of growth would not be possible without the dedication of all of our supporters. We cannot express how much all of your efforts mean to us.
So, in an effort to show our appreciation, we held our annual Sanctuary Birthday Party on October 14th. As always, it was a fun and heart warming event that brought together our staff and volunteers for some good food, fun games, and most importantly, the company of some of the best humans I’ve had the pleasure to know. If you weren’t able to make it, please know that you were missed, and we hope to see you next year.
So now on to the comings and goings for the month of October.
We had two dogs go home in October, our big little man Tripp and smiling sweety Meeka.