Adoption Update – Hera
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Though all of our adoptions are equally exciting and amazing, Hera’s truly shows what Our Companions is all about! Hera was dropped off at the pound by a man who claimed to have found her, but was likely her owner. It is said that she spent a lot of time outside in a fenced-in yard and had clearly had some kind of crazy expensive surgery on one of her rear legs! She was so shy and wary and she often hid and avoided human contact at all costs. But she slowly came out of her shell over the 3-and-a -half years she was with us and began to build relationships with people whom she trusted. She also became our very own dress-up doll! Krystal, one of our Canine Cottage Managers, could put just about anything on this little lady and she would wear it proudly!
We were starting to think she would be with us for life, when out of the blue, one of our amazing volunteers, Bethany, came forward and told us she wanted to take sweet Hera home. We were absolutely thrilled! Hera headed home on September 30, 2017 and has found her perfect forever home. Hera’s mom (FYI – if you see her at the sanctuary, she loves being called that 😀 ) has kept us updated on their happy life together. These ladies are two peas in a pod, and are looking forward to many more years of each other’s company!
Bethany shared this wonderful update with us recently: “What to say about Hera. She is my chicken-eating, bed-snuggling, couch-napping, love-giving, happy ball of fluff. She knows my house is her palace and her forever home, and she is determined to protect it from mail carriers and squirrels alike with enthusiastic barks. She loves running around her fenced yard prowling for vermin. Her ears and her tail are wonderfully expressive. On a visit to my mother, she christened Hera with a middle name “Louise.” So now my little lady is Hera Louise. We think it suits her just right. I’m so happy Our Companions was there to help Hera and I find each other. She’s a great dog and truly my best friend.”