Lets Celebrate with Blood and Therapy Dogs!

Last year, Our Companion Animal Rescue’s Co-Founder and Canine Operations Director Marie Joyner received the news we all fear. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
During Marie’s battle with cancer she received numerous blood transfusions before and after chemotherapy treatment. This blood literally saved her life.
Today we are thrilled to announce that Marie is doing great. Let’s celebrate her recovery by giving back the lifesaving blood that was there for her when she needed it.
Our Companions is hosting a Blood Drive in honor of Marie on Thursday, August 29th from 8AM-1PM at our Valerie Friedman Program Center in Manchester (34 Sanrico Drive)

For an appointment, click here or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)
Pet Assisted Therapy Dogs will be at the Blood Drive to visit, cuddle and thank donors for their kindness and contribution.
A Personal Message from Marie
Dear friends,
Because of being born with a genetic anemia and not eligible to give blood, I never really thought much about how important the blood supply is for those who need it. I received my first two transfusions after my surgery to remove my tumors. Then after my body abruptly stopped producing red cells after my first chemotherapy treatment I received 4 more units of blood when I was again hospitalized.
I had blood transfusions before and after every chemotherapy treatment to keep my red cell levels high enough until my body started producing them again on its own. While receiving my transfusions I met others who would regularly receive blood transfusions for other medical needs. While my need for transfusions has lessened, theirs continues.
Without these blood donations theirs and my ability to continue to live would be impossible. Please consider donating blood at our drive on the 29th.
I knew nothing about Marie’s cancer. I am so glad she’s doing well. Unfortunately I don’t qualify to donate blood but I thank everyone who does and those anonymous people who donated and saved Marie’s life.