Pop-up Veterinary Wellness Clinic

After two successful Pop-up Veterinary Wellness clinics in 2019, Our Companions was ready to start the New Year with plans to expand these low-cost vet resources to the public and gain a greater focus of the community’s needs for affordable vet care.  As veterinary costs increase each year, the rate of pets losing their homes due to costly vet exams and treatments are also increasing. By providing accessible vet assistance, Our Companions is hoping to increase pet retention and help keep pets in their homes with their loving families.

These clinics provide full physical exams, vaccines, SNAP testing, bloodwork, microchipping, as well as parasite, flea, and tick treatments and aid for routine injuries or illnesses at a low-cost. Follow-up assistance was also provided to clients regarding any further treatment or surgical procedures through our ongoing vet voucher program with our veterinary partners. Throughout these appointments, clients were offered other services like behavioral support, training, and pet care supplies.

It was an amazing opportunity to meet a few wonderful members of our community and their pets. Thank you to all the staff, volunteers, and vet partners for their hard work and dedication! With more experience and support, we look forward to expanding the number of Pop-up Veterinary Wellness clinics in 2020. Our next upcoming clinic will be March 27th, 2020.


  1. Pam Wentworth on March 2, 2020 at 3:44 pm

    What a great program! I believe more seniors with fixed incomes – such as myself – would be inclined to adopt more animals in need of a forever home if they were aware of this program. If you don’t already do so, how about advertising this program in senior centers?

    • Heather Wildman on March 3, 2020 at 3:22 pm

      Great idea! Thanks for the suggestion, Pam!

  2. Karen Rosol on March 2, 2020 at 4:34 pm

    Great idea. More organizations should do so.

    • Sheryll Bedingfield on March 5, 2020 at 2:33 pm

      Great idea!!