Sunny Days – June Sanctuary Update
There doesn’t seem to have been much good news to talk about in the world recently, but luckily for us, that is not the case in our own little Our Companions world. The sun is out, the days are warm, and the staff, dogs, and cats have been having a great time enjoying it all. So lets see some of the things making the Our Companions sanctuary a ray of sunshine right now.
New Staff Making Progress
As you all know, we hired four new dog staffers in April, Damaris and Katie working regular staff shifts caring for the cottages, and Kaitlyn and Danielle helping out filling in the gaps. The four of them have been making incredible progress in learning the ropes of caring for the dogs and the cottages. We’ve even been having a group class time for them to work on their dog skills together with the senior staff. They’ve been doing great!
We also just hired two new cat staffers, Kelsie working a regular caretaker shift, and Courtney helping to fill in. They are already catching on well and showing the cats tons of love. It’s great to add new faces to our operations here.

Tuck In Volunteers Are Back!
We are so happy to say that we have been able to establish safety protocols that allow us to have our tuck in volunteers back! It has definitely relieved a huge burden on the staff and made the dogs and cats very happy. And of course, the volunteers are ecstatic to be back with their furry friends. We started with tuck in volunteers, since their inter-personal contact is quite minimal and safety procedures are less complex, but with things going so well, we are working on ways to set up the day times to bring some volunteers back as well. Stay tuned for more details!

And of Course…Adoptions!!
The adoptions keep rolling along! We’re so happy to see so many wonderful dogs and cats find their happy homes. For the cats, Dynamic duo Henri and Jingles went home together, and Bandit, Mushu, and Max all found homes this month. Our newest residents are Itty Bitty and Mr. Babs.
Henri and jingles Bandit Mushu Max Itty Bitty Mr. Babs
On the dog side, the big news is that our favorite sweet senior, Kahlua, found her forever home this month. We’re so excited for this sanctuary star!