A Tribute to Mimi
We first heard about Mimi after her owner had sadly suffered a stroke. After a couple years of healing and recovering, she had come to the realization of needing additional care and support, leading to her move to an assisted living facility. This decision was extremely difficult since she had to sadly rehome her three senior cats, Louie, Pearl, and Mimi. She reached out to Our Companions for assistance and when we had the space, we welcomed these sweet seniors to our Sanctuary in June of 2023.

Though they arrived together, it was clear that Louie and Pearl, both purebred Cornish Rex felines, were bonded to each other. Mimi, a purebred Manx, was blind and was sometimes outcasted by the other two. Understanding the importance of giving Mimi the space and support she needed, our staff decided to give her a fresh start. She was placed in a separate, quiet space where she could feel safe and comfortable. Despite being blind, Mimi acclimated to her new room fairly well. Our Cat Team ensures all of the objects in her room, cat scratchers, beds, etc., are always put back in the same place after cleaning so Mimi can navigate properly in her room.

Mimi was around 15 years old when she arrived, and on top of being blind, this led to Mimi being incontinent and having frequent potty accidents. Our incredible Cat Team staff were devoted to making sure Mimi always felt her best; happy and clean. They would give her daily “bottom baths” to wash her cute little tush and have frequent bedding changes in her room so she was always dry, warm, and comfortable. Mimi actually seemed to enjoy her bath time and would even make biscuits while getting bathed! It just goes to show how sweet and grateful she was of her care, and we were so grateful and committed to making Mimi feel happy and loved.

Mimi did have a history of chronic urinary infections, and this continued during her time with us. Staff would constantly observe Mimi’s energy levels and mood to see if she wasn’t feeling well and needed to see our vet. Since she had been on medication quite frequently to resolve her UTIs, Mimi’s body had built up a resistance to antibiotics. Her infections would take longer to heal, or she would need to be on medication for an extended period of time. Our vet was careful about ensuring the correct strength of antibiotics to ensure she could rid her body with infection, without contributing to her built-up resistance.

Despite her medical challenges, Mimi was always happy to greet her visitors with a “meow” and some purrs! You would often find her enjoying her comfy bed on the couch, ready for some love and company from her friends. During the warmer months, Mimi and her friends would go outside to enjoy her catio where Mimi can feel the warm sun, the cool breeze, and smell all the fun scents of the outside world. Mimi was a petite little girl, yet had so much love to give! She never let her daily challenges interfere with her enjoyment of life and the people that she shared her time with.

Now 16 years old, Mimi’s UTIs began to be more frequent and resistant to medication. She had been enduring daily struggles with her appetite, her hygiene, and overall well-being. At one point, she had developed a dangerously high fever and was immediately brought to the emergency hospital. They were able to give her fluids and medications intravenously, but still her current infection had been especially challenging. When she no longer had a fever, she came back to our Sanctuary, but as the days continued, her quality of life was steadily declining. After multiple conversations with our vet and staff, we made the difficult decision to help her pass at our Sanctuary, surrounded by our staff that loved her unconditionally.

Though blind and needing a lot of hands-on care, Mimi never let that affect her spirit and her appreciation of her friends. Even with her baths or periodic shaves, Mimi complied and we felt like she knew that the care she was receiving would help her feel better. Besides her medical needs, Mimi’s needs were simple- she just wanted to be next to you! She was a happy girl knowing her friends were by her side, giving her pets and telling her how lovely she is. Her story also highlights the importance of patience, compassion, and understanding when caring for animals with special needs. Often times we come across medically needy animals that are so appreciative and grateful to have a human companionship alongside this journey towards becoming happy and healthy. In turn, we are very grateful to have provided Mimi the best care that she deserves and we were able to cherish a wonderful last year with this beautiful soul.

Thank you, Mimi, for teaching us that no matter the challenges we face, love and understanding can make all the difference.