Adoption Update: Chance

Just a puppy, Chance was fostered by a family that had been fostering dogs for several years. They had two other dogs at the time that they owned, a Lab and Golden, and would also occasionally pet-sit a Jack Russell Terrier mix. As quickly as Chance entered the home to be fostered, he soon became a foster fail and a permanent member of the family! For four years, this Plott Hound enjoyed his life, his doggy friends, and had lots of fun! Yet, over the years, his family noted some behavior quirks and concerns that were becoming more apparent as Chance got older and as time went on.
Outside in the world, Chance seemed to be fearless! He loved running around, playing at doggy daycare, going to the dog park, and chasing little critters! Inside, however, Chance certainly had his fears and worries. He was sensitive to new environments, especially different types of flooring and strange noises. It took Chance four months just to enter his family’s bedroom because the hardwood floor sometimes would creak in one spot! Chance also was nervous of unknown people outside the house while being inside and would sometimes redirect on the other dogs when upset. If a mailperson or delivery driver came too close to the house if no one was home, Chance would get reactive and would result in going after the other dogs. Things escalated when the Jack Russell Terrier was targeted at one point, which required him needing medical care.

After four years of recognizing this behavior and no longer wanting to put their dogs, and even Chance, in a situation where they weren’t safe and happy, the family contacted Our Companions for help. After meeting with Chance and his family, we entered Chance in our Rehoming Program to find him a better fit. Though Chance was friendly meeting new people outside, could play with any dog no matter their size or play style, and even was comfortable with children, it was hard to find a match for Chance given his past. He not only needed someone comfortable with his past, but was also capable to manage and help him with his fears in his next home.

As months and seasons went by, we continued to push on in the hopes of still finding a great match for Chance. Thankfully, Chance’s family was more than happy to have him until that perfect fit was found. After almost a year, a woman contacted Our Companions to learn more about Chance. This would be her first official pet dog and was seeking a companion to share her life with. She was very interested in training, had an active lifestyle, and lived alone with no other pets- a perfect scenario for Chance! After just meeting Chance, she knew that he was the one for her! She wasn’t deterred by his past, but instead understood why he reacts that way and wanted to work on meeting his needs and ensuring he felt safe and happy. At the home visit, like we predicted, Chance was a bit wary of the new home and floor! He felt much more comfortable hanging out on her couch and bed for the time being, which was not a problem for his prospective adopter! As part of our adoption process, we always like to take our time to ensure this is going to be a great fit for everyone involved. Chance went on a weekend getaway and a week-long stay in his new home and there wasn’t a string of doubt that this was the home and life he needed!

It’s only been four months since he’s been home, and yet it feels like he’s been there forever! We’ve been checking in on Chance and his mama to see how the two are doing. His mom appreciated the all the support and advice throughout our adoption process, as well as not feeling rushed to make a decision and feeling confident that this truly was the match for her! They’ve taken some trips together and she mentioned, “It seems the more we do together the more confidence he has in exploring new adventures.”

And recently, she sent us this update, “Chance and I are doing great! We are back from South Carolina and enjoying the weather up here! Just recently Chance helped me celebrate my birthday, he really loved wearing the lei necklaces I put on him. We’ve been making lots of new friends and keeping in touch with old ones too! Also as best friends and roommates, Chance and I even get to share each other’s clothes(pictures will make more sense). Haha. Having a great life together while he comes everywhere with me, car rides and hikes, even shopping where I can bring him but he especially loves when we’re home just snuggly and relaxing and I don’t have to work. He started sticking just a bit of his tongue out when he’s really snoozing! He’s so funny.”

We’re so grateful of this beautiful adoption and appreciate everyone involved in making this happen- his adopter, his previous family, our amazing staff and volunteers, and even Chance for being a great boy! They’re best friends, companions, and family, and we wish them many more months and years of happiness and fun!
Such a great story! Yeah for Chance!!