Buttons was surrendered to a local municipal shelter after his owner sadly passed away. Buttons was taken in by a foster program temporarily as the municipal shelter was quite stressful for this shy natured cat. His foster guardian contacted Our Companions with the hopes our Sanctuary can continue providing this sweet, timid guy a nurturing place to be comfortable and flourish. Buttons had symptoms of a skin infection and a UTI, possibly brought on by stress. Buttons has had successful treatments for both his skin and bladder health. We will continue to provide a special urinary SO diet and have a dental scheduled for him in a few weeks.
Young Buttons is estimated to be 6-years-old. He is mainly black except for a white dip of fur at the end of his tail! Shy at first, Buttons loves to push his head again you and lay his head in your hands. He is warming up to staff and volunteers, and we can’t wait to see him continue to come out of his shell! He has been making friends with a few other cats guests at the Sanctuary too. He has enjoyed some exploring on his catio now that the weather is warming. Button shows us he knows our routines with his loud meows at dinnertime! We are excited to continue to get to know Buttons and to see how his personality blossoms now that he is in a quiet setting.