Cat Resources

Understanding Your Cat’s Sudden Aggressive Behavior

By Paul Johnson / October 27, 2021
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by William Wilson The day started as any other for our 10-year-old tabby P, until she spotted a bold feral strolling onto our back…

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A Potentially Fatal Combination – Male Cats and Urinary Obstruction

By admin / October 22, 2021
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by Lyn T. Garson, CVT, CCRP Any one of a variety of clinical issues or injuries could send your cat to the emergency clinic.…

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Who is Taking Care of Me? Ensuring the well-being of your pet when you are away

By Paul Johnson / October 13, 2021
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by Jennifer Barrows It’s every pet owner’s nightmare. How many of us leave our animal companions in the care of a pet sitter and…

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Diabetic Cat Dilemmas

By admin / October 1, 2021
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by Lyn T. Garson, CVT Take a peek in your refrigerator. Or perhaps in the fruit bowl on your kitchen counter. What you are…

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Tooth Be Told

By Paul Johnson / October 1, 2021
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by Lyn T. Garson, CVT, CCRP Let’s talk about teeth. Adult cats hold a mouthful – 30 to be exact – which is 12…

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Keep Your Pets, Get Rid of Your Allergies

By Paul Johnson / September 30, 2021
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by Lyn T. Garson, CVT, CCRP My allergy test results produced a lengthy list of common offenders, from dust to various trees, but I…

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The Damages of Declawing

By admin / September 30, 2021
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by Lyn T. Garson, CVT, CCRP The technical term for declawing a cat is onychectomy. And it’s not just the term that most owners…

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Clicker Training – a Workout Routine to Flex Your Cat’s Muscles

By Paul Johnson / September 23, 2021
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For the feline guests at our Sanctuary, overcoming emotional trauma from their earlier experiences is often the necessary step to finding the perfect forever…

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Can Cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia Live Happy Healthy Lives?

By admin / September 23, 2021
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by Lyn Garson When first meeting Hazel and Pippi, two young female calicos ready for adoption at the Our Companion’s Sanctuary, Hazel is more…

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Bad-Mouth Bootsie: Breaking the Biting Habit

By Paul Johnson / September 21, 2021
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by Andrea Dobras In this issue of OC News, we’ll be addressing the topic of cats who bite. As we will see, cats bite…

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