Organization News

Spring Blooming – April Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / May 1, 2021
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Hi Everyone!Last month, I highlighted some of the growth and change we’re experiencing here at the sanctuary this spring. But of course, as I…

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Looking for the “Ultimutt” Dog and People Person!

By Heather Wildman / April 13, 2021
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Our Companions is seeking candidates for our Sanctuary Canine Volunteer Manager position.  This full time position is responsible for the operation and advancement of…

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New Faces – March Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / April 2, 2021
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Hi Everyone!Spring is here! And just as in nature, things at the sanctuary just keep growing and changing. Here’s a quick look at some…

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The Cat of Many Names

By Heather Wildman / March 31, 2021
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Patricia, a Good Samaritan seeking help with a cat in her community, reached out to Our Companions regarding our TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) Program. After being…

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Adoption Update: Dobby, now Hat Trick

By Heather Wildman / March 31, 2021
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Dobby was originally found as a stray in Louisiana with a severely mangled front leg that needed to be amputated. Once recovered, he was…

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Featured Pet: Ripley

By Heather Wildman / March 31, 2021
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After hearing one of his tenants passed away, a property owner went to check on the apartment to discover a very handsome feline friend…

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Light Up Ahead – February Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / March 4, 2021
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Hi Everyone!Under normal conditions, the time when you would want to send out an update on all of the good things coming our way…

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Featured Pet: Missy

By Heather Wildman / March 2, 2021
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 Three year old Missy’s story first started when she was found as a stray puppy. She was adopted from the pound by a family…

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A Lifetime Promise

By Heather Wildman / March 2, 2021
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Back in 2013, the Sanctuary invited a young Chihuahua mix named Rio to the Sanctuary after needing some extra TLC from the local municipal…

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A Tribute to Merlin

By Heather Wildman / March 2, 2021
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Originally found as a stray, a nice gentleman took Merlin into his home and they both became the best of buds for years. Unfortunately,…

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