Organization News

Resilience and Renewal – August Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / September 6, 2020
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Hi Everyone!As many of you know, we’ve had two very special arrivals this month. There was the arrival of Gifford, a very sweet pit…

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Community Outreach: Spring 2020

By Heather Wildman / September 2, 2020
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To say this past spring has been crazy would be an understatement. The uncertainty of what the future held was unnerving for all, to…

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Blood Drive Success

By Heather Wildman / September 2, 2020
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This is our second annual blood drive held in honor of Marie Joyner, OC’s Canine Operations Director! During Marie’s cancer treatment, she received life-saving…

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Featured Pet: Gator

By Heather Wildman / September 2, 2020
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Originally found as a stray, it was very apparent this guy had it very rough living out on the streets. He not only had…

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Feed The Beasts Challenge

By Heather Wildman / August 26, 2020
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Our FEED THE BEASTS challenge is back! Two Amazon wish lists are available, one for the cats and one for the dogs. Each list…

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Save the Date: Blood Drive 8/27

By Heather Wildman / July 31, 2020
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Join us on Thursday, August 27th for our Second Annual Red Cross Blood Drive in honor of Marie Joyner! Places from across the country…

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Reinvented Volunteer Programs

By Heather Wildman / July 31, 2020
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With August here, we approach our sixth month of the Covid-19 pandemic. Throughout the strange circumstances we’ve found ourselves in, we strive to push…

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Adoption Update: Emma, now Ezra

By Heather Wildman / July 31, 2020
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At around nine years old, Emma was living with her sister Sadie before their owner could no longer afford to take care of them.…

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Lazy Days of Summer – July Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / July 31, 2020
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Hi Everyone!It seems every year about this time, the temperatures rise and my creativity sinks. So I play my once a year lazy summer…

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Steps to Reopen

By Heather Wildman / June 30, 2020
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The Covid-19 pandemic certainly turned everyone’s world upside down, to say the least. Things were changing week by week, even day by day. Our…

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