Organization News

Our Companions News- Fall 2018 Edition

By Susan Linker / October 5, 2018
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Check out the latest edition of Our Companions News.  

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Move Over, Van Gogh, It’s for the Animals!

By Susan Linker / October 4, 2018
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Who would have supposed that paintings created by our own Sanctuary animals would be the hottest new trend in art? It’s true! At a…

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Be a Voice for Animals (It’s Easier Than You Think)!

By admin / July 26, 2018
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Connecticut is, without a doubt, a state that cares about animals. Our Companions’ members and volunteers are living proof, and so are the multitudes…

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General Adoption Information

By admin / July 3, 2018
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Thank you for your interest in adopting a pet! You’ve made a great decision to give a rescued pet a loving home. We invite…

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The Buddy Project

By admin / July 3, 2018
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The Buddy Project is an innovative program which teaches youth who are at risk for school failure how to train rescue dogs. The goal…

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