Sanctuary News

A Special Thank You – April Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / May 10, 2019
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We had quite the month of ups and downs here at the sanctuary: adorable arrivals, great adoptions, and a couple of hard losses. In…

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Adoption Update – Lucy

By Stephanie Montemerlo / May 4, 2019
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About a year and a half ago, one of our Sanctuary’s longest residents left for her forever home. Lucy came to us shy, scared,…

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Featured Pet – Roxi

By Stephanie Montemerlo / May 3, 2019
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Roxinator, Roxi-girl, Rockstar – this little lady has accumulated many nicknames since she’s been with us, but no matter what you call her, Roxi…

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Spring Cleaning – March Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / April 6, 2019
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What a wonderful feeling! Putting away the gloves and fuzzy hats. Shedding a few layers of coats and sweaters. Yes, we have spring, and…

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Tabby Found Her Person!

By Stephanie Montemerlo / April 2, 2019
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Guess who has some good news to share?? Okay, not good…INCREDIBLE! Tabby has found her forever home!! For the past few months, we’ve been…

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Adoption Update – Portia and Julius

By Stephanie Montemerlo / April 2, 2019
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This adorable pair has a special place in our hearts because they were born right here at our Sanctuary! Look at them now, all…

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A Royal Decree from Tabby

By Jon Phillips / March 20, 2019
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Good morning human underlings, It is I, Tabby – first of her name, the queen of Jane’s Place, slayer of mouse toys. You may…

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Double the Dog, Double the Fun!

By Jon Phillips / March 18, 2019
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Hello! Amber said her final goodbyes to us this past Sunday! During her adoption, staff captured Amber’s first family photo together- too cute! We…

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Cat Adoption Updates

By Jon Phillips / March 15, 2019
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Here’s some updates on some feline sanctuary alumni! Ganache (now Cali): Honestly Cali is the best cat I have ever met. She has adopted some…

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Snow Much Fun!

By Stephanie Montemerlo / March 9, 2019
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After our first big snowstorm of the season (like, knee-deep-snow big), the dogs at the Sanctuary are having so much fun in the fluffy…

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