Sanctuary News

Love, Love, Love

By Jon Phillips / March 7, 2019
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February is now behind us, and we are in the home stretch of getting through this winter.  As a way to boost my own…

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Adoption Update – Kaylee

By Stephanie Montemerlo / March 2, 2019
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Kaylee has some exciting news to share with everyone…her humans are getting married! Kaylee’s been a part of the family since August 2016, so…

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Dear Tabby…

By Stephanie Montemerlo / March 1, 2019
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Tabby has made many friends in the 5 years she’s been with us, but she can’t wait to find her forever person and get…

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Winter Wonderland – January Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / February 8, 2019
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Here we are, smack in the middle of winter 2019. It’s a challenging time of year here at the sanctuary, as we try to…

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Adoption Update – The Bird Kittens

By Stephanie Montemerlo / February 6, 2019
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Some of you may remember these adorable faces! This quartet of cuteness was dubbed the “bird kittens” with the names Hawk, Chickadee, Robin, and…

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New Faces for a New Year – December Sanctuary Update

By Jon Phillips / January 18, 2019
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Happy New Year! It’s been an exciting year filled with changes and new experiences. We opened one of the two new dog cottages, as…

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A Baker’s Dozen

By Jon Phillips / January 11, 2019
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Hey everyone 🙂 You made it!! You got through the first week of 2019! And what better way to celebrate than to welcome our…

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2018 Adoption Recap

By Stephanie Montemerlo / January 10, 2019
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Our adoption team has been busy this year! Thanks to all their hard work, 94 animals are now loving life in their forever homes.…

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Adoption Update – Hera

By Stephanie Montemerlo / December 13, 2018
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Though all of our adoptions are equally exciting and amazing, Hera’s truly shows what Our Companions is all about! Hera was dropped off at…

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Our Companions T-Shirt Fundraiser

By Paul Johnson / December 7, 2018
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We’d like you to know about a special promotion – many of you have suggested this idea, and we are excited to try it…

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