Changing Seasons – September Sanctuary Update

Hi Everyone!

One of the great joys of working at the sanctuary is watching the seasons change. Seeing the winter snow melt away and make room for spring growth, or watching spring chills give way to summer sun are part of the natural wonder here. But the best time of year is right now, as the weather cools and the trees erupt in color. Marking the passage of time through the changes that happen in cycles or the big, once-in-a-while changes, brings out the living energy of the Our Companions Sanctuary.

The colors are starting to come in over the sanctuary pond
New boy Wiley blends right in amongst the autumn leaves

One thing that we all come to look forward to every fall is our annual Feed The Beasts competition. This fun bit of interspecies gamesmanship is a great way to gather everyone back together after a summer of trips and travels, and refocus everyone on to the needs of our animal guests and the challenges of the work we do. We dearly appreciate the generosity of all of our supporters during this event and hope you all enjoy it as much as we do. And this year, with our expanded operations, we were able to relaunch Feed the Beasts into an assortment of competitions to keep the fans cheering. There’s still one week left, so feel free to click the links below and make your contribution.

Cat Team Wish List

Dog Team Wish List

Small Animal Team Wish List

Another thing fall is know for is Back To School Season. Well the same happens here at the sanctuary, especially for our dog residents. This time of year provides the perfect environment to gather our dogs here and at other locations to work on their skills in our Out and About Classes. With cooler temperatures and less traffic in local outdoor destinations, it’s the perfect time to help our dogs grow their abilities to focus and build self-control and become the most adoptable versions of themselves. In addition to the classes we hold at the sanctuary, many of our dogs attend Canine College classes at our Manchester Program Center facility. It’s a great foundation on which to build the rest of their lives with humans.

Princess practicing her sifter attention game in Jill’s Out & About class
Brooke on her best behavior with Hannah at class
Missy & Alayna at their “place” in class

Then, of course, there are the big changes. In another kind of change of season, Feline Team Manager Heidi Van Flatern retired at the end of September. Heidi helped create this position that was brand new when she took it on, and guided the cat team through the opening and expansion into Minnie’s Mews. The skill and ability of the team has grown significantly during her time, allowing for many successful adoption stories that we could never have imagined before. Heidi’s impact has been felt in many kitty homes and will be felt at the sanctuary for years to come.

Luckily, we didn’t have to go far to find someone to take on the task of leading the cat team in this new season. Caregiver Tammy Mercier will be bringing her skills with people and cats to the position starting in October. We look forward to what Tammy will bring to the role and are ecstatic to see one of our current staff grow and advance.

Tammy with Ralph

Rosie’s Roundup

Hi Everyone!


I tell you every month how much us furry residents love and appreciate having you around. This place wouldn’t work without you and wouldn’t be the healing and joyful place it is. So now it’s time to really show how great it is having you around. The annual Sanctuary Birthday Party is coming up on Sunday, October 13th, from 1pm to 3pm. There will be all your traditional favorite treats and activities, including awesome cupcakes featuring picture toppers of your favorite critters, as well as the Feed the Beasts award ceremony. We’d love to see you there!

See you soon!


And of Course…Adoptions!!

Fall is off to a big start with an active September. In cats, Sushi, Chai, Smokey, and Fred and Wilma all found their furever homes! That opened the door for Patches and Simba to join the gang. In dogs, we welcomed little Wiley to the party. And in Small Animals, we’re very exciting to welcome our first ferrets, Raphael and Gabriel.

Welcome, Patches!
Welcome, Simba!
Welcome, Wiley!
Welcome, Raphael & Gabriel!
Good luck, Sushi!
Good luck, Chai!
Good luck, Smokey!
Good luck, Fred & Wilma!

Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.

Jon Phillips

Sanctuary Director

[email protected]

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