Chill Out – January Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
I’ve always felt that this is a pretty difficult time of year. The fun and frenzy of the holidays is over. The deep cold has really set in. Snow has turned from a picturesque seasonal delight to a constant nuisance and even an alarming safety hazard. Anything to look forward to seems so far away. Then, just add in this year’s pandemic worries, and the winter blahs really start to get overwhelming. Luckily, at the sanctuary, we get the benefit of some great teachers of life skills in the dogs and cats that live here. They seem to know exactly how to get through these challenging seasons in purr-fect form. Let’s see how they handle these grey days.

First, there are those who seek to find the joy in whatever conditions come their way. Few are better at that than our own handsome, fluffy frenzy of fun, Ricky. Cold, wind, snow, ice? It’s all good as long as there’s a ball to fetch. And ice and snow make a delightful snack during breaks in the action. Even if you’re really not okay with winter’s edge, you can follow the lead of fashion forward Gidget and Bella and take the opportunity to show off your stylish winter wear.

Now, if the cold, ice, and snow are beyond what you can make the best of, there’s always the tried and true strategy of ignoring it until it all goes away. And you don’t have to think of it as being “stuck inside.” Instead, it’s an opportunity to find fun new activities you may have never thought of before. Just like us, the dogs and cats love to engage with new puzzles and games to spark their curiosity and grow their minds. Check out Lucky and Niles working together to play the ever-popular “find the food” game. The cold weather months are also a great time to slow things down and just enjoy the company of those around you, without having to think about where you’re going to go and what you’re going to to. We ‘ve got lots of cats, and even a few dogs, who will take a snuggle on the couch over a vigorous activity any day.

So take a lesson from the sanctuary dogs and cats. Winter won’t last forever. But whether you’re looking to brave the frigid weather with a smile, or avoid it all together, there’s always a way to have fun and enjoy what life has to offer.

Ripley’s Corner Office
Hi Everyone!
I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but my room has a great view! It’s no surprise Jon wormed his way into sharing it with me. But recently, the view has been pretty drab. Winter time is tough on everyone. And yet, in spite of all the grey days, I still see lots of dedicated volunteers moving about. There’s something about this place that can keep everyone’s hearts warm no matter what the weather. So whether you’re looking to brave the elements and get your heart pumping on a walk with the dogs, or stay indoors for play and snuggles with the cats, we really appreciate your commitment. And please keep it up! Your help makes a huge difference in our ability to give the best care to the dogs and cats.
Thanks so much!
And of Course…Adoptions!!
It was a busy January in dog world here at the sanctuary. Two adorable pups, Roary and Daisy went to their forever homes this month. So with that, we welcomed in Bella, Bootz, and Buck. On the cat side, ginger boys Cornbread and Baxter both went home this month. And arriving in our care were Gotti, Cookie, Smudge, and Wilbur and Orville.

Goodbye Paisley
Unfortunately, we had another difficult passing for the cat team in January. Paisley was a challenging case from the beginning. She was under socialized and spent most of her time hiding. She had no interest in human attention and was very difficult to handle. In addition to that, she had advanced kidney disease. But these are the kinds of cases we prepare ourselves for with the cats. If nothing else, we would make sure she had the best care possible for whatever time she had left. The cat team once again showed their skill as they worked to make Paisley comfortable with their presence, even getting her to interact with and look forward to seeing a few of the staff. Getting her the care she needed without stressing her out, damaging her relationships, or reducing her quality a life took some creativity. Lots of special treats and games were involved, and Paisley remained in good condition through most of time here. But as we know all too well around, you can slow kidney disease, but you can’t stop it. Paisley’s health declined rapidly over the course of just a couple of days, and we rushed her to the emergency vet. Everything was done to support her, but there was waning hope for her recovery, so we decided to help her pass. We will miss this special girl who taught us all a great deal about patience, gentleness, taking a different look at things. And of course, we thank the cat team for all of their hard work her.

Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.
Jon Phillips
Sanctuary Director