Featured Pet: Lorraina
Lorraina was found as a stray when a resident found her wandering outside of their apartment complex. Once found, it was very clear Lorraina needed medical attention. She had a severely injured tail, as well as wounds to her lower back. It’s unknown as to the origin of her injuries; possibly frost bite, a car accident, or even a chemical burn. Sadly, the vet had to amputate her tail due to the severity of the injury. Given her medical state and the need for critical rehabilitation, Lorraina was invited to the Sanctuary in April of 2019.

As Lorraina was settling into the Sanctuary, it became very clear that she was obsessively licking and grooming herself. This obsessive grooming got to the point of causing loss of fur and abrasions to her lower back. After carefully observing this behavior, Lorraina underwent a number of tests and treatments to better understand and resolve this harmful behavior. After many unsuccessful treatments and inconclusive tests, Lorraina was finally diagnosed with Feline Hyperesthesia. Feline Hyperesthesia is identified by frantic scratching, biting, or grooming of the lumbar area which can cause injury and infection.

Lorraina had to wear a cone to prevent her from over-grooming this particular region on her backend as we researched alternative treatments and interventions to help this sweetheart. Ultimately an idea popped up of having Lorraina wearing clothing to protect the regions of her skin she targeted. Given how inexpensive and easy it would be to try, it was worth exploring! After some trial and error, we found that having her wear onesies worked! Though she’s not the biggest fan of putting them on, it prevented her from over-grooming and causing wounds to her lower backend. They were also much more comfortable for her to wear then the cone- and she looked super cute! Just like the princess that she is, she now has a closet of onesies that she wears!

Despite her condition, this 3 year old has always been affectionate and sweet! She loves all the attention her human friends give her, especially when they give her a lap to curl up on! You’ll hear her meowing from her room, letting her people know she’s ready for love and pets! She’s full of life and personality, and will almost never refuse play time! She loves to climb up high or hide down low, waiting for the perfect time to pounce and play! Once play time is done, she enjoys nothing more than quiet cuddle time with her people. On warm, sunny days, you’ll find Lorraina out on her catio, enjoying the sweet sunshine.

In a home, Lorraina would love to be your one and only so she could receive all the love and attention from her family. She would appreciate a quiet, adult only or older teen, home that would love to play with Lorraina every day! If you have a special place in your heart for a special girl, please contact Our Companions at 860-242-9999 or email [email protected].