Hot Wheels – July Sanctuary Update
I don’t know if it’s still something that matters to the younger generation or not, but when I was younger, it was a big deal to get to cruise around in the summertime in a cool car. I had a friend with a Jeep that was the go-to ride for our group. Well, who knew that dogs could feel the same way?!
Any of you who are hooked in to our Instagram or Facebook feeds will know this already, but we have two dogs at the sanctuary right now with pretty sweet rides! First up is Dobby. Dobby arrived here in February. He had lost his left front leg due to an injury, and had some troubles in a previous home. We knew he would need some time and a little special attention to be ready for that perfect home. Dogs missing a rear leg usually compensate fairly easily, but missing a front leg can cause some significant wear and tear on the joints. Especially when you’re a young, active hunter, like Dobby. His path was derailed a little further when he tested positive for heartworm shortly after arriving. We shepherded him through the long, delicate heartworm treatment process, during which time a volunteer mentioned that he knew a dog who had been fitted for a cart by an organization out of Massachusetts called Eddie’s Wheels. Once Dobby was heartworm clear, we jumped on the process of getting him more comfortably mobile. He got his custom fitted cart several weeks ago, but as with any young driver, it’s taking him a little time to get the hang of controlling his pace and keeping straight. But he’s making some great progress and we know he’ll be racing out of here and on his way to a great future in know time!

Our other dog on the move is a little older, and accordingly, is not so much into moving fast as he is into riding in comfort and style. Henry is a senior, blind beagle who came to us in May. This is actually his third go around at the sanctuary after his last owner became unable to keep up with his care. Anyone who has worked with Henry can easily picture him napping away his days on a lounger with the other seniors in south Florida. As soon as the sun hits this guy, he is stretched out on the ground ready for a snooze. Unfortunately, that’s not an effective exercise routine to keep his older muscles in shape. So we needed a way to get Henry to the shaded play yards where he could wander and meander to his heart’s content and build those leg muscles back up. That’s where the doggie stroller comes in. Henry gets to ride in luxury as the staff or volunteers chauffeur him to his destination. Henry is definitely living the good life!

These types of creative solutions are why we do what we do. Giving these dogs and cats in need every opportunity to have their best life, no matter the cost or work involved, is at the heart of the Our Companions Sanctuary. And we couldn’t do it without the support of our volunteers and donors!
The hot, slow, lazy days of summer continue to put a damper on our adoption activity, but we’re sure that a fall rebound is just around the corner! New kitties arriving at the sanctuary in July were Chewbacca and Calvin, two urgent cases that desperately needed our help. Finding their forever homes this month were Alden and the trio of kittens, Buttercup, Rasputin, and Gizmo.
Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.