Smiling Faces – June Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
As many of you know, we at the sanctuary have started to cautiously unwind many of our pandemic safety measures. This has allowed for great rebound in our volunteer participation, as well as a more efficient flow to our work. And best of all, it’s allowed us to further rebuild our relationships with our volunteers. The one thing I keep hearing everywhere around the sanctuary is how nice it is to see everyone smile again, and I couldn’t agree more. Now of course, no one is reading this to see the humans, and none of the humans here would let me take their pictures anyway, but the thought gave me the idea to send out a gallery of the best smiles from our furry friends. And please know that these smiles also speak for how grateful we are to those who are back in the swing of things, as well as those who worked so hard to see us through. Enjoy!!
Brook is smiling for the warm weather. Gifford is smiling to be with his favorite people. Teddy is smiling for his close up. Ricky is smiling to be our newest dog guest at the sanctuary. “This place is great!” Charlie is smiling because “Hey, I’m a beagle. It’s what we do!” Sea is smiling to be king of the stair/ramp. Missy is smiling because she knows how pretty she is! Roary is smiling to finally be somewhere safe and caring. Miel is smiling, thinking about how much progress she’s made over the years. Gidget is smiling because she’s ALWAYS smiling! Aggie is almost smiling. This IS her happy face. Cole is smiling BIG, because Cole does everything BIG! Juno is smiling because she’s dirty. And being dirty is the BEST!
Parsnip is smiling because food is coming soon! Ripley is smiling, thinking up his next article. Oakley is smiling because that feels really good! Skip and Cornbread are smiling because summer is here! Lucky is smiling because he’s the life of the party! Fritz is smiling because he’s going home! Ortega is smiling because he’s finally feeling healthy and good. Gator is smiling because play yard time is awesome! Captain Crunch is smiling because he knows there’s mischief to be made. Niles is thinking about smiling. It depends whether you have eyedrops or treats. Ren is smiling because this picture gets his good side. Oh wait…all his sides are his good side.

Ripley’s Corner Office
Hi Everyone!
Being as busy as I am keeping everything in order at the sanctuary (I guess Jon helps a little with that), smiling isn’t high on the priority list. However, seeing all of the wonderful volunteers coming and going out these windows, as well as those volunteers who visit me, I can’t but let my happiness shine through. So, I wanted to return the favor in some small way. If you’re looking for a reason to smile, check our Our Companions on social media. Just click the links below and follow us for regular doses of fun and cuteness from the sanctuary and beyond.
And of Course…Adoptions!!
We had a couple of even trades across the sanctuary in June. In dogs, Wizard went home, which made room for Ricky to join the crew. And in cats, Fritz went home, and Wilfred arrived.
Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.
Jon Phillips
Sanctuary Director