Feasting – November Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
It’s that time of year again! Time for family, fun, and most importantly, great food! Food can have some complicated feelings attached to it, especially at this time of year, but I think it’s important to have a time set aside for feasting. To feast, whether on food or anything else in life, is to celebrate what you have in abundance. To recognize those things in your life that are overflowing and be grateful for them and the enjoyment they bring. And there’s so much of that we have in abundance in the Our Companions family.

Of course, there’s the obvious things overflowing at Our Companions: kindness, caring, compassion. To take in and care for the dogs and cats that we do; the old, the sick, the troublesome, is an immense act of kindness. Many of them have no other option. And we know from day one that they will be costly; in time, in effort, in patience, as well as in dollars. But our staff, our volunteers, our donors, and all of our supporters have an abundance of love to give to these needy ones.

But there’s so much more here at this Our Companions feast. There’s joy, laughter, and silliness. Every day I get to listen in on the walkie talkie chatter of the dog staff and volunteers, including discussions about what each dog’s favorite restaurant would be, and speculations about whether there is a Sasquatch living in our woods. There’s ingenuity and creativity as we see the cat staff come up with ever crazier things to teach the cats to do, like ringing a bell or performing a “secret” handshake.
And there’s camaraderie. We know that we’re all in this together, helping each other do the best we can for these beautiful pets. All of the time I have dog staff celebrating the successes of the cat team, cat volunteers asking about a resident dog, or yard care workers telling me their favorite stories about both species. The camaraderie overflows beyond the sanctuary as well, to include the Canine College, the Community Cats, and everything else that goes on at the Program Center in Manchester. It’s really something to be thankful for.
So, take a moment this season to really take in and enjoy this abundant gift we’ve all been given with Our Companions. And remember to pass the word on. There’s always room for more at this table!

Rosie’s Roundup
Hi Everyone!
Well, we all know there’s one thing there’s never an abundance of: time! There’s always so much to do, and so little time to do it. It’s the same here at the sanctuary, and that’s where you volunteers come in. The time you give, whether a lot or a little, makes a huge difference to the quantity and quality of what we can accomplish in the lives of these animals. We so appreciate everything you do and every moment you spend here.
See you soon!

And of Course…Adoptions!!
And speaking of abundance, can you believe all of these cats we have here now?! Arriving this month were Minnie and her kittens, Ariel, Jasmine, and Tiana, as well as shy little Dior. Going to their furever home in November were wise-guy Winston and adorable Arya!

Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.
Jon Phillips
Sanctuary Director
I absolutely love what your facility does for animals.
You will be remembered & rewarded in my will.
God bless !