Featured Pet: Niles and Lucky
After being found as a friendly stray, Lucky was taken off the streets and brought to our Sanctuary. Lucky quickly became a feline favorite at the Sanctuary due to his laidback and kind nature, stunning eyes and lovely personality! Over the years, Lucky has never quite found his perfect match. Whether it was the other pets in the home or not given the opportunity to thrive, we wanted 7 year old Lucky to stay with us at the Sanctuary until we could find his absolute perfect family and home! Though FIV+, cats with FIV can still live completely normal, health lives and life expectancies. During this time, not only did he have lots of human friends, but he became quite the guardian to many young kittens or cats that have stayed at our Sanctuary! They would all gravitate towards Lucky for grooming, cuddling, or even a good playful wrestle! One cat in particular was Niles!

Niles was a few months old when he was found on Niles St. in Hartford and it was clear he needed serious medical attention. Niles was born without any upper eyelids, then his eyelashes were growing inward, causing serious discomfort and irritation. There was a surgical attempt to resolve the issue, which unfortunately failed to do so. On top of that, Niles was very under-socialized given that he had little to no human contact during the most crucial time of his life. Given his special needs, Niles made his way to our Ashford Sanctuary in October of 2020.

To help Niles with his eye condition, he underwent cryosurgery, a treatment that freezes and stunts the growth of his eyelashes. After his second treatment, we have seen significant improvement in his condition. Still, given that he has no eyelids, he requires daily eye drops to lubricate his eyes. To provide mental relief from the eye drops, as well as help with socializing him a bit more around humans, the cat team has been working on clicker training with Niles- and it’s one of his favorite activities! One major factor that helps is Lucky! Lucky has given Niles the confidence and companionship to help combat the adversaries of his medical care and his nervousness around people. In turn, Lucky also participates in clicker training and gives one of the best high-fives around!

Together Niles and Lucky have a beautiful “big brother, little brother” relationship! Niles, now a little over one, loves following Lucky around, bothering him with cuddles and kisses, and tries to initiate some brotherly wrestling time whenever he can! Given his chill personality, Lucky doesn’t mind having a little brother that requires his attention all the time. He’s happy he has a friend to play with and will happily finish Niles’ treats during clicker training!

Given the loving bond and brotherhood these two have developed, we would love to find a home for them together! They would love to be your one and only furbabies in a quiet, adult only home! Besides administering eye drops, both cats are in excellent health and will greatly benefit from a home that have lots of love and patience! In turn, these two brothers will give you lots of laughs and the joy of caring for two of the sweetest boys around! Given the opportunity to thrive, Niles has the potential to truly flourish with his family. Lucky will always be around for plenty of pets and would appreciate a lovely nap next to his special person! To learn more about these quirky cuties, please contact our Helpline at 860-242-9999 or email [email protected].