In the Garden – August Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
Summer is starting to wrap up. It’s been quite a busy time, with the completion of the new buildings and the arrivals of many new pets and humans to our little slice of paradise. So many volunteers have worked so hard all summer long, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank one special group of people, our Facilities Caretaker, Brian, and the team of yard care volunteers. With 48 acres and, now, nine buildings to keep in working order, it takes a huge amount of hard work to keep everything in good condition to give the best care to our pets. We all appreciate it so much!

When the word goes out that we need help caring for the special, and undeniably adorable, dogs and cats in our care, it’s really no surprise that people flock in to do what they can. Who wouldn’t want to spend whatever time they could with cuties like Ralph and Arya. But when I put out the call to mow lawns, weed trim paths, and pull weeds, it takes a very special person to answer. Those special people are: Jeff, who’s here every other Saturday on our zero turn mower keeping our lawns and yards trimmed up. Gary, who’s here nearly every week doing mowing and trimming in smaller areas. Katie, who keeps the dog cottage yards weed free. Michele, who takes perfect care of the gardens around the Sebastian House, the entrance sign, and the gazebo. Erika, who takes care of the garden by Minnie’s Mews. Annie, who cares for the gardens by the dog cottages. And Deb, who cares for the garden by the Memorial Wall. These are some wonderful people and we couldn’t keep this place functioning without them.
And of course, none of this would be possible with the hard work and dedication of our Facilities Caretaker, Brian. Not only does he keep all of the equipment running, but helps coordinate much of the work, and pitches in himself whenever needed. Thanks so much, Brian!

In addition, to our regular cast of volunteer helpers, we also benefit greatly from groups that come here as part of work days for their workplace or other organization. So I’d like to send out a big thank you to Eversource, Voya Financial, State Farm in Mansfield, UCONN co-ed fraternity Alpha Phi Omega, Pomfret School, and local community service summer camp the Mansfield Mustangs. Thank you all so much!!

Rosie’s Roundup
Hi Everyone!
I don’t know who approved such a dereliction of duty, but Jon was just gone for a whole week this past month! There were so many crucial tasks that he left behind. Most important of which were sitting with me and keeping me entertained. Luckily, the staff and volunteers stepped in to cover for the slacker. And of course I was able to keep the ship sailing forward. We added another two new staff this month, Amaya in the dogs, and Tammy in the cats. And we made the momentous move in to Twilight House! The dogs from Chelsea House are settling in to their new home quite well, and the volunteers and staff are making the transition nearly seamless. Chelsea House will remain empty for a little while. After 10 years of doggie damage, it needs a little sprucing up. That will start after yard care season wraps up and the facilities team has a bit more time. And, as always, I’ll be keeping an eye on all of it!
See you soon!

And of Course…Adoptions!!
Another two kitties found their forever homes in August, but they didn’t go far. Elsie went home with volunteer Sherry, and Freddie went home with Cat Team Assistant Manager Lindsey. So we were able to bring in sweetie Samara to the new cat cottage. Also, joining our furry friends is 9 month old ball of fun Daisy in the dog cottages.

Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.
Jon Phillips
Sanctuary Director