Sanctuary Arrival Date
January 2025
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A New York rescue reached out to Our Companions for help with a rabbit hoarding case. The rabbits were in such bad shape, many of them did not make it. The rabbits had fur mites (treated), respiratory issues, and severe teeth damage. We were contacted as it was clear the rabbits needed a rescue that could cater to their special needs, help them heal, and help them learn to trust human companions. We were able to take in the two remaining rabbits in January 2025. We named the darling white rabbits Nimbus and Willow. They were successfully treated for fur mites and runny noses, but due to the severity of the damage to their teeth, they will need regular teeth trims for the rest of their life. That being said, they are the sweetest pair of puffballs! You would never know the traumas they have been through in their short lives.
Surrendered at only 7 months old, it was clear they were well cared for by the staff in NY. They showed socialness and kindness that told us their healing began soon after they were rescued. They were sweet and social with us the day they arrived. They love their fresh veggies, hay, and REALLY love affection from people! Bonded besties, we would love to see sisters Nimbus and Willow stay together forever. Both sisters are mostly white with pink eyes and noses; Nimbus has taupe fur on her ears while Willow is completely white. They are spayed and in good health now, but will need ongoing treatment for their teeth.