Reinvented Volunteer Programs

With August here, we approach our sixth month of the Covid-19 pandemic. Throughout the strange circumstances we’ve found ourselves in, we strive to push a “new normal” for Our Companions while trying to stay connected and involved with our amazing OC community.

As the state reopens, we’ve still kept our current volunteer programs reduced for the safety of our staff, animals, and volunteers. With the reality that we were unable to accept new volunteers with the state’s current guidelines, we were motivated to reinvent a few of our programs to expand our OC community to those that wanted to support Our Companions and our mission.

Many of these renewed volunteer opportunities can be done from the comforts of your own home. This includes our poster program, fundraising ideas, and sharing our social media posts, while some involve being outdoors and socially distant at our Ashford Sanctuary.

To learn more about our newly reinvented volunteer programs and how you can be a part of our OC community in a post-Covid world, check out our volunteer website.


  1. Liz Najamy on August 2, 2020 at 6:38 am

    I would love to volunteer in any way that I can my prayers to you and Marie Joyner for a year cancer free