Rewarding Shy/Fearful Dogs
Adopt-a- Shelter Program Quick Tip sheet
Goal: To teach shy/fearful dogs to enjoy interaction with people.
- Have little pieces of soft delicious treats accessible to staff and visitors outside the kennel
Note: Only progress to the next step when the dog is quickly and regularly eating the treat. This may take longer with different staff. Each person should work at the dog’s pace. Also respect that the dog may be good with one step on one day but need to go back a step the next day.
- Toss a treat than move away from the kennel. Do not stop to talk or look at the dog.
- Briefly stop at the kennel, but so not look at the dog, toss a treat and move away.
- Stop at the dog’s kennel and quietly say a brief hello while looking at the dog, toss a treat and move away.
- Stop at the dog’s kennel and say hello in a normal voice while looking at the dog, toss a treat and stay in the same place. Give the dog multiple treats prior to moving away.
- Stop at the dog’s kennel and say hello while looking at the dog. The dog should be able to give you a hello back and say, “Hey where are those treats”.