Salem was initially found as a kitten seeking sanctuary under a car was brought home by a lovely couple. He lived his whole life with his owners and his bonded feline brother, Frankie. Recently, Salem’s owners unfortunately had to sell their home and were reaching an age where they could no longer care for Salem and Frankie. Their family reached out to OC for assistance, seeking a place to continue caring for these senior brothers. When it was time for them to see the vet prior to their arrival to our Sanctuary, it was discovered that Frankie’s health was rapidly declining and the vet recommended they help him pass. This meant Salem solely arrived to our Sanctuary in October of 2024.
After losing his family, home, and bonded brother, we knew Salem needed a safe, stable place to land where he can be given the love, attention, and care he needed to start this new chapter. Thanks to the quiet, nurturing environment of our Sanctuary, Salem slowly started to settle in and appreciated the calm, caring nature of his new friends. He was initially estimated to be around 20 years old upon his arrival, but our vet estimates his age is more around 15 years. You’ll often find Salem cuddled up in the several beds and comfy cubbies in his room. He might not approach new people readily, but if you give him some patience and pets, you’ll find Salem giving you head-butts and purrs! He has quite a loud motor when purring, it’s adorable! Staff have also been letting him out of his room to explore the cottage’s hallways to boost his confidence and to have some fun exploring! He’s been such a sweetheart and we’re so happy to have him here with us!