Sanctuary News
A Tribute to Josie
At Our Companions, Josie’s story began with us six years ago when she was trapped as part of a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) project in New Britain. Someone was trapping community cats,…
Feed The Beasts 2023
The competition is back and our Sanctuary guests are hungry… to win the challenge! Our 6th annual Feed the Beasts competition is here! We have two Amazon wish lists- one…
In the Garden – August Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone! Summer is starting to wrap up. It’s been quite a busy time, with the completion of the new buildings and the arrivals of many new pets and humans…
Featured Pet: Arya
Arya is an awesome, happy Pug with lots of love to give. She lived with a single family since she was a puppy. She got along great with kids of…
Free to Choose – July Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone! Independence Day. The peak of summer activity. I’m going to skip right by the big, booming, blasting, dog and cat terrorizing elephant in the room and instead talk…
The Pathway Home – June Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone! The most eye catching and momentous development at the sanctuary this month is, of course, the paving of our driveways and parking lots at long last. This has…
Henry & Katharine K. McLane Leadership Society Reception
On May 20th we held the Henry & Katharine K. McLane Leadership Society Reception and Sanctuary Celebration at our Ashford Sanctuary for the first time! It was an extra special…
Making Friends – May Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone! It’s not always easy making friends. I’m sure many of you have experienced this at some point in your life. You’re in a new, strange place. You’re not…
Rx Gift Card Drive Success!
With budget planning and construction of the cottages almost complete, Our Companions always likes to be five steps ahead in ensuring we are fully prepared and capable to care for…
Wild Things – April Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone! It’s spring!! Leaves are budding, flowers are blooming…pollen is blowing. It’s a hopeful and magical time at the Sanctuary. So, I wanted to take a moment and talk…
Thinking Green – March Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone! It’s been one of the strangest winters I can remember, but now that it’s over, it’s time to look ahead to spring! I know we’re just getting all…