Spring Blooming – April Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
Last month, I highlighted some of the growth and change we’re experiencing here at the sanctuary this spring. But of course, as I always like to mention, Our Companions is so much more than just this lovely sanctuary. The organization as a whole is out there working on so many fronts to prevent pet problems and animal homelessness, in hopes that fewer and fewer dogs and cats will ever need to come here in the first place. This month, I’d like to highlight some growth going on in the larger Our Companions world.
As most of you know by now, Beth, the Canine Volunteer Manager at the sanctuary, is taking on a new role within the organization. As often happens, she’ll be the first to hold a newly created position which will be tasked with expanding our efforts to reach and help underserved communities in Connecticut. Even with all of the good we do, we realize that our area of impact is still somewhat limited and somewhat homogenous. The events and trends of the past year and longer has brought to the forefront an urgency for us, and other organizations like us, to reach outside of our comfort zones and seek new challenges in more diverse communities.

With that in mind, Beth, as our new Community Outreach Manager, will be doing research and outreach to see how Our Companions can expand our existing programs, and even create new programs, to serve communities where we have not had a presence before. This will not only include our ever growing low cost vet work, but will look at opportunities to help with pet behavior needs and other necessities. While we are sad to see Beth go from the sanctuary, we are very excited to see how Our Companions can do more to serve the people and pets that need us most.

Ripley’s Corner Office
Hi Everyone!
Ripley here. Busy, busy, busy!! That’s what I see when I look out my office window these days. I guess that’s just what comes with spring. Plants sprouting up, critters racing around, and my favorite, birds flitting about everywhere. But mostly it’s the people. Each day I see people rushing about here, there, and everywhere: walking dogs, carrying supplies, moving laundry. It makes me sleepy just watching it all! But before I drift off into another cat nap, I want to take a moment and thank all you humans for working so hard here. All for the love and care of some dogs and cats with no where to turn, you bustle about from first light to well into the evening. That spirit of generosity is a moving thing to witness, and we furbabies so appreciate it. You all deserve a nice, long nap! Thanks!
And of Course…Adoptions!!
April had quite a bit of movement in the dogs and cats, though it was mostly intake to fill us back up from all the adoptions of the past few months. With the dogs, we welcomed hunky pit bull Sea and happy hound Charlie. With the cats, handsome Patches went home as soon as he was off his quarantine. Arriving this month were the perfect pairs of April and Sophia and Wayne and Garth. Also arriving were two new princesses, Paisley and Parker, as well as our newest diabetic case, Ortega.
And once again, the cat team suffered another loss. Fuzzy favorite Oliver had a decline in his health that was found to be an advanced cancer. He was not here long, but he will definitely be missed.

Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.
Beautiful Oliver is now best buds with Pumpkin girl. Both of their transitions are heart breaking but since life never truly ends I feel they are both living “the life” in their most cushy of homes over the rainbow!