Thanks a Million – November Sanctuary Update
Hi Everyone!
As you all know, gratitude is the name of the game working in the non-profit world. It’s a cornerstone of the work to be grateful for all of the support that makes a place like this possible. We’re thanking everyone all year long, so that always leaves me in a bit of quandary when it comes time for a Thanksgiving message. Looking back over the years, I’ve expressed thanks for the staff, the volunteers, and even the animals themselves in previous messages. So this year, I wanted to spend some time getting into just how grateful we are for the donors that support our mission. I know we thank the donors all the time, but something special about the sanctuary is that we can go around and point out actual concrete (and wood and metal and vinyl) examples of the generosity of our donors. So for this month’s update, we’re going to take an animal guided tour of just some of the places and things funded by donors that we use and depend on every day.

I’m sure you’ve all seen some of the name plates around the sanctuary that recognize the generous donors who funded a play yard, a bench, a guest room and all manner of facilities, and usually naming them for a beloved pet that inspired their giving. What better way to acquaint you with these special tributes then to use some adorable cat and dog faces. Here are some sanctuary residents to help us all take a moment and appreciate those who have given generously to build this place we love so much!
Roary shows off his cute side on a bench donated in loving memory of Gizmo Lucky sits in his catio bench, donated in honor of Kim Zimmermann. Miss Miel sits outside of Carson’s Play Yard. It is one of her favorites! New cutie, Willow, poses outside of Chris’s Cottage, another cottage generously donated by Chris and Chuck Shivery Hungry boy Lucky eats a snack on a catio chair, donated in honor of Strange and Norrell Brookes takes the time to read the sign outside of her home Henree House, donated by Liza Orzeck Stunning Miss Gidget basks in the sun in front of Audrey’s Play Yard!
And this is just a small portion of all of the things around the sanctuary highlighting someone’s generous giving. When I said “thanks a million” above, I wasn’t exaggerating. Thanks to the support of some amazing pet lovers, we’ve nearly raised the $1,850,000 needed to embark on our next phase of expansion. And it’s not just building the place. I’m often awed in budget meetings by the sums of money required to keep this place running. Sure, this endeavor could cost less if we took in easier, healthier dogs and cats, but that’s not our mission. And we couldn’t do right by so many of the neediest animals without the support of our donors.
Nearly one hundred percent of our funding is made possible by the generosity of the community. There are few non-profit organizations, animal-related or otherwise, whose ability to operate is so closely tied to the support of the public. We thank our entire family of donors who make all our work for the animals possible.

Ripley’s Corner Office
Hi Everyone!
You know what I’m thankful for…food! No, I’m serious! Anyone who’s been around my office near meal times knows how excited I get to see that shiny bowl coming my way. And while it may seem a little frivolous and simple, it’s important to remember that something as basic as food isn’t always easy to come by, especially for homeless kitties. Our Community Cats Team works hard to try make sure that every cat they can help is well fed and cared for, even if they’re not living in a house. These cats are spayed or neutered, supplied a shelter, and watched over by a responsible caregiver. During this holiday season, as the temperature falls, please consider donating some food to help support these cats. Just click the link below.
Community Cats Wish List
And of Course…Adoptions!!
November saw a jump in adoption activity in both dogs and cats. In dogs, we welcomed Willow to the pack this month, and said farewell to Kiwi on her way to her forever home.
In cats, Parker went home, as did three long time residents: Skip, Acacia, and Gator! Finding their way to our care this month were Baxter, Sweet Potato, and Chevelle.
Thank you all so much for whatever way you support us and our mission. We couldn’t do it without you.
Jon Phillips
Sanctuary Director